
About Us

Axion are a 2 day a week raiding guild on EU Tarren Mill Horde.

Our Mission

We’re aiming for realm high world ranks next expansion, by clearing all mythic content in Shadowlands.

What we require


All raiders should have a good attitude towards raiding. You will be required to dedicate yourself to min/maxing your main character. You must maintain the 2 day a week raiding, we require this time and drive to raid the amount needed for achieving high world ranks.


During progress raids our schedule is demanding: we raid 4 h/day and it’s really important you understand this before joining the raid. Raid time means be in the group and instance fifteen minutes prior to raid start we won’t wait and make sure you’re prepared. If you are running late make us aware, discord is your friend here!


World of Warcraft is a team game and communication is the utterly most important thing when raiding. Therefore you will be required to install Discord, have a working headset and microphone and also be able to understand English.

Farm raids

Once down to a 1 day farm we raid Thursdays 8:00pm – 12:00pm (Server time, GMT+1). Immediately after progress we raid more than the 1 day a week if it is required to clear.


In order to meet our level of progress we will often provide constructive yet critical comments on player skill, raid behaviour and general attitude. All raiders must be able to take critical comments as learning points and be proactive with their development.

Ready to Talk?

Contact us and let's get started!

Latest News

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We have some bad news today. Yeah, that kind of bad news. The raiding days are over.

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10/10M Sire Denathrius

Castle Nathria is finished!

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9/10M Stone Legion Generals

SLG bites the dust

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